We had a great weekend.
Guess what we found in the back yard, its suppose to get a little colder this week but we don't care because we have found proof that spring is here.
Oh and more proof of spring we have also seen geese as they fly over head on their way north.

We had our usual weekend with the grandpawents and playing Jack on Saturday, but this weekend we did something a little different.
On Friday Sadie, her dad and I went to see a very close and dear friend of mine and her new little puppy.( Look how tiny she is)
The Puppy's name is Daphene and she is a four month old Chihuahua, she is suppose to have long hair but her hair hasn't grown in yet.
We already knew that us humans were friends and would get along fine because we had been friends for many years, but Sadie had never met little puppy Daphene before, so we decided that it would be best for them to meet outside on neutral ground.

And their meeting went great, Sadie now has a new little friend to play with, although we have to watch Sadie with Daphene a little more because she isn't used to being the big dog and could get a little to ruff.
Sadie said " She loved playing with little Daphene and had so much fun, but you sure do get tired chasing after a puppy."