Sunday, August 9, 2009

Things to do at the Grandparents House without Jack

we had another Saturday without Jack, (for Sadie its like not seeing your favorite cousin) but she is learning that there and other things to do other then playing with Jack. One of my older post was about Midnight. Midnight is my parent's cat.She doesn't like to play with the dogs when they are together, but played quite a bit with Sadie this week.
And then when we went outside we had a visit from our old friend Mr. Chippy. He was up to his usual games.
Then we took it easy, and watched the parachutes again. We took this picture, because some of our Friends said they never saw this before. I grew up with sights like this in my backyard. (sorry its not a better picture)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sadie!
    Sorry Jake was not there to play with you! But I hope you had fun with Midnight!
    Mr. Chippy is very cute!
    Kisses and hugs


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